"You mean as opposed to 'dependent thinking'??"
Room 215
JoinedPosts by Room 215
Rebuttals for having an independent attitude or spirit.
by Emery ini am looking for rebuttals on this statement.
i find it reprehensive when they preach this from the platform, they do not want jws (who are individuals) to have any individuality.
they want people to be their personal robots with no free will.
Can't afford to pay Candace, but they can afford this:
by WinstonSmith inhttp://thetandd.com/news/local/jehovah-s-witnesses-unveil-million-assembly-hall/article_82f68742-6776-11e2-a641-001a4bcf887a.html?comment_form=true.
Room 215
It all fits with their current priorities -- property acquistion and development, not preaching.
Still Waiting For the Governing Body To Explain Their New Light
by Cameron_Don inregarding the governing bodys new light relative to matthew 24:45-47, anointedjw.org recently said the following:.
this new light certainly poses a problem for the governing body.
perhaps this is another reason why they have not yet published a sober and scriptural xplanation of this new light.
Room 215
I still think the bigger issue is that Jesus did not inspect the org in 1918/19... that's a future thing. " Just as Leaving Quietly points out, this is huge... it leaves open the possibility that when the Master makes his determination, he could label them as "Wicked Slave," if the parable is to be interpreted straightforwardly... I just wonder how they're going to address that... probably by ignoring and then stonewalling it.
by ÁrbolesdeArabia inhttp://www.theblaze.com/stories/2012/12/11/noahs-biblical-flood-actually-happened-says-famed-archeologist-who-found-the-titanic/ .
"the story of noah's ark and its associated flood continues to be retold to children and studied by theologians, alike.
while some dismiss it as a mere fable, others believe wholeheartedly that the event literally unfolded, with a massive down-pouring of water ravaging the earth at god's command.
Room 215
Also, in the Ballard hypothesis, his 7,000-year ago estimate predates the Society's 4026 BCE calculation for the creation of Adam. Then too: " The land that went under stayed under"... weren't the waters supposed to recede?
New Member-Active Elder
by Promitheas ini'm a new member & i'd like to say hi to everyone, intoducing myself.. i am a 3rd generation born-in at mid 50's & an active elder.. english is not my mother language, so pls ignore any grammatical errors.
i live in a small country in europe.. i'd like to thank you for all information posted.
some of them have rally helped me to understand and examine again my beliefs.. last new light concerning f&ds=gb has verified the idea that they are popes in the position op pope.. i still believe in god & in his son jesus christ but not in the gb..
Room 215
Prometheus: Bienvenue, benvenuto, willkommen!
New "Jehovah's Friend" video - Lesson 3: Pray Anytime
by cedars inhere it is folks.... http://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/family/children/become-jehovahs-friend/videos/pray-anytime/.
sophia takes center stage on this one.. .
Room 215
So the full-court press, to hold onto the youngest and most impressionable among them before they reach adolescence, continues..
New Article: Can Jehovah's Witnesses Survive The Internet?
by donuthole ini wrote a new essay regarding the effects that the internet is having on the organization.
Room 215
Good job, Anthony; now, who's likely to read it? What is the potential readership?
Weird "new world" artwork from the 2013 calendar
by cedars inmy mother-in-law has a strange obsession with calendars, and orders the society's calendar each year.
this year's calendar is especially weird.
it features images depicting future events - in particular, the society's vision of the new world order.. i've taken the opportunity to scan some of the images for you all to check out.. please note - there are captions for each of the images, but i don't have the english language version of the calendar so i'd rather just quote the scripture used so as not to reveal which country i'm in.. .
Room 215
wow, this therad ahas attracted a lot of attention... I see in the March/April issue the artists have retained the hang-ups illustrated in the Jan. 15 WT-- still no t-shirts and shorts for JW beachgoers (but at least the kids are permitted swimsuits!)
Why did "Back Calls" change to "Return Visits"?
by donuthole indoes anyone remember the rationale that was used in rebranding "back calls" as "return visits"?.
while on the subject does anyone else remember any theocratic name changes like,.
district assembly to district convention.
Room 215
The theo-speak phrase with the shortest shelf-life was "rendezvous" which for a brief period in the sixties was used to describe a pre-appointed meeting for field service;
Do you think the WTS is about to change the doctrine about 1914? If so, what are the signs that is under way?
by EdenOne inwhat the title says.
do you think the wts doctrine that says that christ was made king in 1914 is about to change?
if you think that's being orchestrated and prepared, do you see signs of that already?
Room 215
" I do however anticipate much less emphasis on the "details" behind the date".... That's already the case; I doubt whether one newbie JW in 20 can negotiate the entire process of "year-for-a-day," "seven times," "time, times and half a time" etc. etc. in attempting an explanation of how one gets to 607 BCE to 1914.